it was autumn. Slowly sipped my hot coffee, i was gazing at the falling leaves and leaning forward at the balcony.As the coffee rush down the throat and warms up my heart, i was thinking, "i'm having a great time with this one life, how i wish i have three..." then the thoughts run wild...
if i have three lives...i could taste three times more all the different cuisine in the world
if i have three lives...i could travel three times more to all the different places in the world
if i have three lives...i could live in three different town in different time, meeting different people and having three different life
so that......
i could for three times fall in love with the same person who lives through different ages.
with three lives,
I wish i could be there to walk on the very ground of the bottom of the sea, when He departed it.
I wish i could be there to touch the scattered bones in the valley, as He turned those dry bones into flesh. (Eze 37)
I wish i could be there to hold on tight to Him, to be as close i can be, as He being hung on the tree.

and yet there is only one life given to me, that's why it is precious, and with this one life i choose to...
by Lixelt